Israel at CYJ!

As part of the oldest Zionist youth movement in America, Camp Young Judaea-Texas has always made Israel a central part of our summer experience. Even further, we strive to instill in our campers the sense that Israel is critically important to the life of the modern Jew. 

With pride, we teach our campers:

  • The Jewish state of Israel has a fundamental right to exist.
  • The accomplishments of the Israeli people in the last seven decades are incredible and worth being proud of!
  • The people of Israel are our family, and our country is a wonderful place to visit,  learn, and live!


Our homeland is a part of everything we are at Camp:

The People: A large delegation of staff comes from Israel every summer. We love that our campers have the opportunity to make personal contact with Israelis of all types. Many of our campers will meet their Israeli staff again in later years when they have the chance to go overseas! Who knew little old Wimberley could nurture such connections and create an international family?

The Language: When we use camp terms at CYJ—like counselors (madrichim), activities (peulot), dining hall (chadar ochel), or rest time (menucha)—we replace common English phrases with their Hebrew translations. This small habit brings the sounds and rhythm of the Jewish state to Camp, bringing the experience of Israeli life just that much closer to our hearts.

Our Pastimes: From the dodgeball-like Israeli game of Gaga to our Israeli dances to Israeli songs, day-to-day life at CYJ is saturated with cultural experiences from the Holy Land. One of our favorite days at Camp is Israel day, where our Israel staff preppers lots of fun activities and teach the campers about Israeli culture.


Educational Peulot: Every aidah (age group) has unique educational programs incorporating some Israeli learning elements. The Maginim campers (rising 6th graders) spend their summer studying Israeli culture and values, while the Tsofim campers (rising 5th graders) learn about the modern state of Israel, its geography, and the societies that live there. One of the most memorable days of the summer is the unforgettable Bogrim "Army Day," where rising 8th graders learn about building a new society, as the Zionist pioneers did, and get a feel for what it takes to be part of the Israeli Army.  

Caravan Show: Every summer, CYJ is visited by a delegation of Israeli Scouts, a popular youth group in Israel. Several "Scout Caravan" delegations travel across America each summer, visiting Jewish youth to sing, dance, and teach about their lives in Israel. Our campers LOVE the Caravan show, and we're so happy we can host the Scouts every year.

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